ASH undertook the landscape and visual analysis and prepared the masterplan
In association with Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) and Steer Davies, ASH was instructed by SRG Estates Ltd (formerly Scottish Coal) to prepare a planning strategy and masterplan for the Damside site, located near Shotts in North Lanarkshire
Key Tasks
Site appraisal
End-use recommendations
What we did
ASHs involvement included an analysis of the landscape and visual aspects of the site and its environs followed by the preparation of a masterplan informed by JLLs planning and market researches, followed by an indication of potential suitable after-uses and where these would be located on site.
The western area of the site had been restored to agricultural use, rough grassland and woodland and consisted of rolling landform which related to the valley landscape to the north west. Previous restoration of the central area was largely incomplete, resulting in a flatter ,barren landscape with a large void area, to the south and east of the site. The eastern most area of the site had been restored to a generally flat profile with rough grassland, relating to the surrounding plateau landscape.
In terms of landscape character and potential visual impact it was considered that the north west area of the site would be more suited to low density residential or business use which would better relate to the value and character of the adjacent farmed landscape. It would also take advantage of the slightly elevated views to the attractive landscape whilst being topographically screened from more industrial uses proposed to the east. Similarly, due to the existing site conditions and lower landscape value of the plateau moorland landscape it was felt that the central and eastern areas of the site would be more suited to larger scale, industrial type development.
A landscape structure, consisting of ribbons of mixed native woodland planting, was proposed across the site to allow and accommodate phasing or future expansion of some of the development areas. This woodland planting would help to integrate the development into the surrounding landscape and was designed to respond to the character and scale of the site and its environs. The planting also would relate to existing woodland and mature planting found on site therefore increasing wildlife habitat opportunities and enhancing biodiversity. The proposed woodland structure planting could also provide a significant recreational resource, supporting an extensive footpath network, linking in with existing resources such as the Hartfield Community Woodland to the west of the site. In addition to the basic planting structure landscape proposals would be tailored for each development area, relating to specific site conditions and type of development. Other proposals include burn corridor enhancement, with increased riparian planting and the creation of a series of lochans and wetland habitat areas.
Find out more
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