ASH prepared an Environmental Appraisal for the proposed grid connection within Glen Lyon
In July 2008 Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution Ltd. (SHEPD) commissioned ASH to carry out baseline environmental studies on a proposed grid connection within Glen Lyon which would link seven proposed small hydroelectric schemes to the existing distribution network.
Key Tasks
Route options appraisal
Screening and Scoping
Coordination and preparation of environmental appraisal
Stakeholder consultation
What we did
Glen Lyon is a sensitive area, protected by many environmental designations including a National Scenic Area and Site of Special Scientific Interest. The River Lyon is also included within the River Tay Special Area of Conservation due to the European Protected Species that it supports. The area also has a rich cultural heritage with various protected sites.
Given the landscape sensitivity of the site, a buried cable option was chosen for the majority of the route, with short sections of overhead line where this would not be possible. However, different techniques were considered to cross the River Lyon including: overhead line; sunken marine cable; trench cut with coffer dams; and directional drilling.
Early consultation with Statutory Authorities was considered essential to the successful implementation of the proposal. ASH assisted SHEPD through liaison with Statutory Authorities, and, with assistance from specialist sub-consultants, provided the background material to apply for the consents required.
ASH also produced an Environmental Appraisal of the proposal to accompany a screening request to the Scottish Government for the short sections of overhead line required.
Construction of the cable route was completed in 2010, with river crossings carried out by directional drilling.
Find out more
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